Juliao Bragaa.k.a. Luiz Julião Braga Filho |
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CV latest version: https://braga.net.br (with access to documents). October 23, 2024 9:08 |
Internet Infrastructure (protocols, policies, security and governance); Smart Computing Artifacts (SCA): Knowledge Representation, Ontology, Autonomous Agents, Machine Learning, NLP; Blockchain (Decentralize Computing); Quantum Internet Enthusiastic; ... (Graphical View) |
Mobile: +55 (12) 99167 3383 | ||
Email: juliao at braga dot net dot br | ||
Birth date: September 3, 1945 | ||
CiênciaVitae: B31C-AA7E-27D3 | dblp | Google Scholar | Lattes - Brazilian Academic Curriculum | Linkdln | Mendeley | ORCID: 0000-0001-9542-3732 | Personal Blog: Internet Infrastructure | Research ID (WoS): N-7979-2013 | SciRate | Semantic Scholar | Twitter | |
2021-- | Research project at the Universidade Federal do ABC's Center for Mathematics, Computation and Cognition, Santo André, SP Brazil, named "Building an knowledge base (an ontology) for the domain of Internet Infrastructure using a manual based approach". Some documents: [1pt,1en (Although some images are in Portuguese…)], [2en, 2pt], [3en, 3pt], [4en].
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Itana Stiubiener |
2023-- | Research at Instituto Federal Sertão Pernambucano, Campus Salgueiro. Associated with the Research Group on Computer Networks, Optimization and Automation. [GPRO,CNPq ] |
Currently | Provide advice, support, and project development services related to the acquisition, transfer, and restoration of Internet numbering resources. These resources pertain to Autonomous Systems and are under the jurisdiction of Brazil's National Internet Registry (NIR) (a.k.a. NIC.br). |
2021--2024 (October) | Research at LARC, Polytechnic School, USP. Related work on scalable computing.
2022-2023 | Member of the Human-Algorithm Interaction Study Group at Cátedra Oscar Sala, Institute of Advanced Studies, USP, São Paulo, BR. [Profile] [Catedra], [IEA] |
2015--2019 | Ph.D., Computer Science, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil (Doc.) & Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal (Doc.) Thesis Title: Knowledge Acquisition Environment for Agents in Restricted Domains in Internet Infrastructure (Free translation from Portuguese title: Ambiente para Aquisição de Conhecimento por Agentes em Domínios Restritos na Infraestrutura da Internet). Original version (Portuguese) or English version. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Nizam Omar and Prof. Dr. João Nuno de Oliveira e Silva |
2013-2015 | M.Sc., Computer Science, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil (Doc.) |
2012–2013 | MBA, Project Management, Universidade Anhanguera, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil (Doc.) |
2011–2012 | BA, Logistics Technology, Universidade Anhanguera, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil (Doc.) |
2022--2022 | Postgraduate class: CCM-204 Computer Networks, Universidade Federal do ABC, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil |
2019--2019 | Graduate class: Security in Bimodal IT. UPMackenzie, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil |
2000-2000 | Undergraduate class: Information Systems. Unincor, Tres Coracoes, MG, Brazil |
1999–2000 | Undergraduate class: Data structures. Unincor, Tres Coracoes, MG, Brazil |
1984–2000 | Extension class: Introduction to Computing Systems. PUC-Rio, Department of Informatics, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil |
1984-1984 | Undergraduate class: Data Structure. PUC-Rio, Department of Informatics, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil |
1976-1976 | Extension class: Data Structure. Federal University of Goias, Goiania, GO, Brasil |
1976-1976 | Extension class: Basic Software. Federal University of Goias, Goiania, GO, Brasil |
1971-1971 | Graduate class: Basic language for Differential Equations. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil |
2018 | Honor distinction to the paper "In-Person and Remote Participation Review at IETF: Collaborating without borders", presented at V WPIETF |
2015 | Special Dedication in Book, Learning Objects Vol. 2 - Development Methodology" (Free translation from Portuguese: Objetos de Aprendizagem Vol. 2 - Metodologia de Desenvolvimento) |
2015 | Approved with distinction and laudation in the Master's Dissertation Defense |
1970 | Award for best work in the Congress of Agronomy students: "A minimum cost ration for chickens". Using the Simplex Method on the IBM-1130 |
2017 | Fellowship to the ANRW'77 and the IETF Meeting (IETF 99 Prague, CS), Internet Society |
2016 | Fellowship to the LACNIC 26 - LACNOG 2016 Meetings, Costa Rica, CR |
2016 | Fellowship to the IETF Meeting (IETF 97 Seoul, KR), Internet Society |
2016 | Fellowship to the ANRW'76 and the IETF Meeting (IETF 96 Berlin, GE), Internet Society |
2016 | Fellowship to the IETF Meeting (IETF 95 Buenos Aires, AR), Internet Society |
2015 | Fellowship to the IETF Meeting (IETF 94 Yokohama, JP), Internet Society |
2013 | Fellowship to the IETF Meeting (IETF 86 Orlando, Florida, USA), Internet Society |
29/11/2023 | Márcia Cristina Schade Alberti: Métodos Ágeis e Requisitos Não Funcionais. Supervision and advisory board. Certificate: here. |
27/09/2023 | Michel Daud Ibrahim Jacob Vilela: Adoção Computação em Nuvem, TI Verde e Políticas Públicas. Supervision and advisory board. Certificate: here. |
16/08/2023 | Marco Antonio Martins: Monitoramento Preditivo em Sistemas Financeiros. Supervision and advisory board. Certificate: here. |
05/07/2023 | Matheus Grillo de Lima: A evolução nas metodologias de teste de software: estudo de caso. Supervision and advisory board. Certificate: here. |
05/07/2023 | Makoto Hideo Yamamoto: Virtualização de Servidores: Trabalhar com Infraestrutura Própria ou Terceirizar. Supervision and advisory board. Certificate: here. |
21/06/2023 | Kilmary Lincolins de Oliveira Sequeira: O papel da tecnologia da informação em um cenário pandêmico. Advisory board. Certificate: here. |
01/06/2023 | Sebastião Antonio Silva: Análise do desempenho real com o modelo Weater Resource Forecast, entre um servidor físico e um contêiner High Performance Computing. Advisory board. Certificate: here. |
27/04/2023 | Marcelo Alexandre Sakurai: Gerenciamento de Identidade e Acesso do Cliente (CIAM): Autenticação Única para todos os Canais. Supervision and advisory board. Certificate: here. |
17/04/2023 | Wanderson Roberto Ferro: Cloud Computing: Migração de Sistemas Legados para a nuvem: Um Estudo no Setor Financeiro. Advisory board. Certificate: here. |
06/04/2023 | Marcio Silva Alves: Aprendizado ao longo da vida em Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação. Supervision and advisory board. Certificate: here. |
02/04/2022 | Andressa Luderitz Lima: O uso da tecnologia em sala de aula. Certificate: here. |
02/04/2022 | Ediene Sanana Pereira: Ciência tambem e coisa de criança: perspeciva em reação ao fazer científico nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. Certificate: here. |
02/04/2022 | Gleides Matos Campos: Reciclar: reutilizar é transformar: uma experiência de ação pedagógica. Certificate: here. |
02/04/2022 | Hilda Cardoso Sandoval: Alfabetização em ciências: Teoria e Conceitos. Certificate: here. |
02/04/2022 | Isabel Cristina de Sousa: A Educomunicação na Construção de Narrativas Antirracistas. Certificate: here. |
02/04/2022 | Karina da Rosa Bagestan: Reflexões sobre o uso de tecnologias no ensino de jovens e adultos (EJA) durante a pandemia. Certificate: here. |
02/04/2022 | Luis Ricardo Queija Gallego: Uma proposa de aperfeiçoameno na identificação da dermatite Herpetiforme nas unidades de atenção primária à saúde. Certificate: here. |
02/04/2022 | Maria Crisina Macêdo de Matos: O surpreendente ciclo do minério. Certificate: here. |
1992- | Pegasus®, Process no. 816543410 INPI-Brazil: Nominative registered trademark. |
2016 | Malabo, GQ. Five days course: Dynamic Routing and Internet Exchange Point (IXP), invited by Africa Union and Internet Society. |
2015 | Maputo, MZ. Five days course: Dynamic Routing and Internet Exchange Point (IXP), invited by Africa Union and Internet Society. |
2015 | Praia, CV. Five days course: Dynamic Routing and Internet Exchange Point (IXP), invited by Africa Union and Internet Society. |
2014 | Sao Tome, ST. Five days course: Dynamic Routing and Internet Exchange Point (IXP), invited by Africa Union and Internet Society. |
2010 | Sistemas Autônomos e PTT (Autonomous Systems and Internet Exchange Points). Article to Acesso Magazine, União da Vitória, PR, Brazil. |
2016 | Speaker at VI Semana da Infraestrutura: Internet Academy. Available in: here. |
2015 | Lecturer at 44° Jornadas Argentinas de Informatica (JAIIO), 2015. Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Santa Fe, AR. |
2015 | Key-note Speaker at Expotec 2015: O que é o IETF, como funciona e como participar (What the IETF is, how it works and how to participate). |
2014 | Alem do TAO do IETF (Beyond the TAO of the IETF). Presentation at CSBC 2014 - Congress of the Brazilian Computer Society . |
2010/05/15 | Políticas de roteamentos: como resolver a impossibilidade de implementação na tecnologia hop-by-hop e o futuro (Routing policies: how to solve the impossibility of implementation in technology hop-by-hop and the future). GTER 29. Blue Tree Towers - Morumbi - São Paulo - SP. Reference https://gtergts.nic.br/evento/gter/29/ |
2022 | Chair of the X Workshop pré-IETF/IRTF promoted by Brazilian Computing Society and Internet Society. Hosted by the XLII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC 2022), July 31, 2022. |
2021 | Member of Association for Computacional Linguistic (ACL) |
2020 | Member of Steering Committee of ISOC.PT ANR 2020 Advanced Network Research Worshop and Prize |
2019-2021 | Member of the Steering Committee of the ISOC.PT ANR 2020 Advanced Network Research Workshop & Prize, Internet Society - Portugal Chapter. Reference here. |
2018 | Attendee at IETF 101, London, UK |
2016-2022 | Member of the Steering Committee of the Workshop pre IETF, promoted by Brazilian Computing Society, Internet Society - Brazilian Chapter. Reference here. |
2015 | Co-chair of the II Workshop pre IETF, promoted by Brazilian Computer Society. |
2014 | IETF LAC activities coordinator in Brazil |
2014 | Co-chair of the I Workshop pre IETF, promoted by Brazilian Computing Society and Internet Society. |
2012-... | Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). |
1985-1987 | Technical Editor of the Revista Brasileira de Computação, a Brazilian Computing Society technical journal. |
1984 | Chair of the SECOMU of the IV Congress of Brazilian Computing Society. Excerpt: here. |
1983 | Co-chair of the X Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware, promoted by Brazilian Computing Society. |
1982 | Co-chair of the II CSBC, promoted by Brazilian Computing Society. |
1981-1983 | Elected member of the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC) Council. |
1980-1989 | Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). |
1969-1970 | Director of the Revista Seiva. A technical journal of agronomy students at the Federal University of Vicosa. |
1978-... | Founder member of the Brazilian Computing Society. |
2005-2010 | CEO Telesa Telecomunicacao S. A., Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil |
2000-2005 | Owner of company Pegasus Telecom, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil |
1984-1985 | Director of Data Processing Department. Federal University of Vicosa, Vicosa, MG, Brazil. Homage |
1972-1973 | Executive Director of the Computer Center. State University of Mato Grosso, MT, Brazil |